Soars John and Liz: New Headway Fourth Edition Elementary Teacher´s Book with resource disc
New Headway Fourth Edition Elementary Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource Disc - Liz Soars, John Soars (John and Liz Soars) (EN)
New Headway Elementary Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource Disc (4th) - John Soars
New Headway Elementary Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource Disc (4th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book (Fourth edition) - Liz Soars, John Soars, Amanda Maris
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New Headway Fourth Edition Elementary Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource Disc - Liz Soars, John Soars (John and Liz Soars) (EN)
New Headway - Elementary - Teacher's Book (Fourth edition) - Liz Soars, John Soars, Amanda Maris
New Headway Elementary (4th Edition) Teacher´s Book with Resource Disc
New Headway Fourth Edition Elementary Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource Disc - Liz Soars, John Soars
New Headway Elementary Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource Disc (4th) - John Soars
New Headway Elementary Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource Disc (4th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway: Elementary A1-A2: Teachers Book + Teachers Resource Disc - The worlds most trusted English course ()(Mixed media product)
Klíčové vlastnosti
Popis produktu
General English for adults
Fourth Edition
A completely new Elementary edition from the world's best-selling adult English course, with new digital resources for 2011.
The Fourth edition brings you fully revised and updated texts, topics, and artwork, and the 2011 resources make it the most digital-friendly edition yet.
The new version of Elementary iTools is a whole book onscreen experience.
And the completely new Headway iTutor DVD-ROM – included with the Student’s Book from summer 2011 – gives learners interactive material from the book, plus video, for study outside class.
Key features- New texts, topics, and design
- Integrated-skills syllabus with a clear grammar focus
- New version of Headway iTools – whole book onscreen
- Headway iTutor – new interactive self-study DVD-ROM, included with the Student’s Book (summer 2011)
- Full teacher support - resources, photocopiables, tests and more - in print and online
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- Učebnice/Odborná literatura Cambridge University Press
- Učebnice/Odborná literatura Wolters Kluwer
- Učebnice/Odborná literatura Fraus
- Učebnice/Odborná literatura Klett
- Učebnice/Odborná literatura Pan Macmillan
- Učebnice/Odborná literatura Lingea
- Učebnice/Odborná literatura INFOA
- Učebnice/Odborná literatura Karolinum
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