The Collected Works of Jim Morrison - Jim Morrison
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The Collected Works of Jim Morrison: Poetry, Journals, Transcripts, and Lyrics - (Morrison Jim)(Pevná vazba)
The Collected Works of Jim Morrison - Jim Morrison
The Collected Works of Jim Morrison
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The definitive anthology of Jim Morrison's writings with rare photographs and numerous handwritten excerpts of unpublished and published poetry and lyrics from his 28 privately held notebooks. Created in collaboration with Jim Morrison’s estate and inspired by a posthumously discovered list entitled “Plan for Book,” The Collected Works of Jim Morrison is an almost 600-page anthology of the writings of the late poet and iconic Doors’ front man. This landmark publication is the definitive opus of Morrison’s creative output—and the book he intended to publish. Throughout, a compelling mix of 1 The Collected Works of Jim Morrison - Jim Morrison od authora Jim Morrison a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu